Getting Started
Quick information on how to use resources provided by this mirror

Getting Started with CentOS
CentOS Linux is a community-supported distribution. Get Started

Beginner's Guide to CPAN
Perl Compiles from Over 100 Sources.Link opens in New Tab. Get Started

Introduction to Apache Software
If you have no idea where to start with Apache Software. Get Started

Featured Mirrors

These are some of the high traffic mirrors we are proud to be hosting. Some of these are also the maintainers favourite Open Source Projects.


Apache Software
The Apache Software Foundation is an American non-profit corporation to support Apache software projects, including the Apache HTTP Server. The ASF was formed from the Apache Group and incorporated on March 25, 1999. The Apache Software Foundation is a decentralized open source community of developers.


Cent OS

CentOS is a Linux distribution that provides a free, community-supported computing platform functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In January 2014, CentOS announced the official joining with Red Hat while staying independent from RHEL, under a new CentOS governing board


The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network is a repository of over 250,000 software modules and accompanying documentation for 39,000 distributions, written in the Perl programming language by over 12,000 contributors.